Tecnodue = ER ROER ApS, ER RØR ApS

Tecnodue svejsemaskiner til plastsvejsning af: rør/rør, rør/fittings, fittings/fittings

Svejsning af plast, kunststof: PE ( PEHD – HDPE – PELD – PEMD )( PEH – PEL – PEM ) PP – PVDF – PVC og andre termoplastiske rør og formstykker ( fittings )

Plastsvejsning – Plast arbejde
Svejseudstyr: Stuksvejsning, Svejsemaskiner, Elektrosvejsning, Muffe svejsning, El svejsning, Ekstruder svejsning og Save.
Nye og brugte svejsemaskiner.

Udlejning af svejsemaskiner til stuksvejsning

Workshop and Field Welding Equipment for Pipes, Fittings and Sheet

LDU Data Logging Unit, Overvågning af svejsedata på alle PT markmaskiner

Suitable for our own PT models, and most other, electro-hydraulic field welding machines

Measures and reports on every butt weld performed

The printing data-logger is designed and constructed for the measurement of butt welding parameters of PE, PP and PVDF pipes and fittings.
In addition to the control function, the printing data machine helps the operator during all working phases showing on the display and advising with an acoustic signal the pressure and the time to be achieved during all welding cycle phases.
The heating mirror temperature (once the operator has set up the material, diameter and wall thickness of the pipe) is controlled by computer according to the material and wall thickness involved.
The possibility to print in advance all welding parameters helps the operator avoiding the use of welding tables.
At the end of welding, a final print allows the operator or supervisor to check if the welding cycle has been correctly performed.
LDU General Data

Maximum Working Pressure

0 – 160 Bar

PN Weldable

PN 2.5 – PN 40


230V 50Hz (standard, other on specific request)


100 watt – IP 20